Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NASHVILLE A Movie A Day Day 3

This is a movie that I saw once in theaters and remembered as being odd and somewhat appealing. After watching it today, i wonder what I was thinking. I know that Altman was a unique artist and had a meandering style, but this movie goes on for nearly three hours and there is not a character you would want to spend ten minutes with. This film is mean spirited and unpleasant. Frankly it has no narrative drive and the only thing that it has going for it is the music.

Ironically, the music is showcased in a manner designed to make you dislike the people who make the music. They are either philandering cretins, lost souls, indifferent businessmen or fakes. The songs are often accurate versions of themes that might be used in a Country Western Concert or bar, but they lack much passion and the way they are filmed seems to suggest that we should pity people that enjoy this type of stuff. I know I listened to "I'm Easy" on the radio a lot in 1975. It was a pretty song that was performed in a plain but honest voice. The scene it appears in in the film is one of the few that reflects any emotion that real human beings might feel. All the women listening are convinced that it was written about them, but after the following scenes you realize it was not about them but to get them. It is a seduction song that works because it sound sincere but it is used in a manipulative way by the character.

There are some other great songs in the film, that are undermined by contrasting scenes and uncommitted performances. Ronee Blakey is an exception in one segment where there appears to be some real life in the audience, musicians and singer. This a film that begs for you to enjoy the soundtrack but skip the movie. Unfortunately, if you have seen the film, the grime and sadness will haunt your appreciation of the tunes.

Obviously this is a slice of life picture, and the brief insights that we have into characters is simply a portrait drawn at that moment. The problem I had was that there were really no pleasant slices of life to go with the bitter view of America that this film wants us to have. Geraldine Chaplin's BBC reporter is supposed to allow us to see that this is a distorted look at our nation, but she is so stupid and unpleasant that we simply want to get out of the scene she is in and move onto whatever is next. Irony and distance will be damned because we can't stand her.

This was one of the films I saw because reviews were so positive and later on the Academy Awards were generous in nominating the movie for five Oscars. Looking at it thirty-five years later makes me mad at myself for not standing up and pointing out that the film makers are naked, there is no beautiful suit and we are all too scared to say so. I did enjoy my brief sighting of two future favorites, who had very small parts in the picture. Jeff Goldblum is doing magic for no reason whatsoever, I don't think he has a line, and if he did, it was certainly not memorable. Scott Glenn appears as a soldier who is in the background of a lot of scenes and he has a part that is ultimately important to the spiteful view of our country. He is accousted at the airport while in uniform, and asked if he killed anyone this week. Later he is unable to prevent a tragedy and walks away, like America did in the Vietnam war. I case you can't guess this is not a fond memory of 1975. Thank God that we had JAWS that summer for us to look back on with admiration.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Day of The Jackal A Movie a Day Day 2

Well day two of the project was a little different. I had a lunch appointment so I ended up watching the film in two parts instead of one entire sitting. This was not a continuity issue for me since I remember the film well and I think I saw it just a year or two ago, so I knew where I was the whole time. The Day of the Jackal is based on an international bestseller that I actually read when it was on the bestseller list. When the film came out in 1973, I was deep into spy novels and intrigue on an international scale. The idea of an assassin pursuing a well known public figure was very interesting. We had had several political assassinations when I was a kid. I remember them as dramatic and frightening. The year before this movie came out, an American Presidential candidate was shot and nearly killed, so this material was not in the realm of the fantastic but of everyday international tension.

The movie is probably a little long and staid for audiences of today. We have become jaded by action as a substitute for suspense and character. I thought it was great in the suspense department even though you know that De Gaulle is not going to die at the hands of the Jackal. There are several near misses as the French Security police and Scotland Yard are sending information back and forth and each piece of data brings them closer to nabbing the assassin. Today, much of the procedural process would not make sense since our communication technology is so much more sophisticated. Waiting for a photograph, dashing for a telephone, relying on a police officer on a motorcycle to bring in key information is so 1963, which is when this movie is set.

In this story, the killer does rely on murder to escape the clutches of the police, but it is not in the form of a shootout or a car chase. Rather, key witnesses, and associates of the Jackal become victims to prevent them from offering assistance to the police or becoming an obstacle to his accomplishing his mission. Most of these people are innocent of anything other than being in the right place for the Jackal to exploit. He cleverly lifts a wallet, paints his car, seduces both men an women, to stay ahead of a massive French search effort. The interrogation technique that the French Security forces use to even discover the plot and give a codename to the assassin, are probably so politically incorrect today, that the police would be seen as the villains in a remake today. The killer is played by Edward Fox, and up until today I did not realize that he is not the same person as James Fox, even though their names are clearly different. Those two actors are brothers and resemble each other enough, that without looking closely or thinking about it, I just confused them with one another. As a younger man, Edward Fox is very good looking and could have been a good choice as James Bond, if Roger Moore had not worked out, although he would have been criticized much as Daniel Craig was for being blond.

All of the Jackal's personality is conveyed in his planning, improvisation, and ruthless pursuit of his goal. The only hero that stands out is the Police Commissioner, describe by his boss as the best detective in France, played by future Bond Villain Michel Lonsdale. He is just as dogged and ruthless as the Jackal but a lot less lethal for those he encounters. This movie develops slowly, but builds tempo going into the last forty minutes. There are plenty of twists and bits of business that will keep people that have a reasonable attention span involved.

I am pretty sure that I saw this movie with my friend Art, in fact he may have gotten us in for free since he worked at the Edwards Theater. I do know that we both read a subsequent Fredrick Forsyth book, The Odessa File, and we saw that movie when it came out a year or two later. There are a couple of other memories that stood out for me. In the finale,several people have cardboard periscopes to see over the crowd at a parade and public function. I always wondered why I never saw those things here. A periscope like that would be great at the Rose Parade or concert. I guess people here would simply not be patient enough if someone in front of them raised a cardboard tube that might block their view. The Jackal also uses cordite to make his skin gray, and I thought that was an interesting trick but I would never try it. Finally, the trailer for the film tells just enough of the story that it sucks you in, and there is a nice graphic with de Gaulle's profile and a crosshair that is used well in the trailer also.

Monday, May 31, 2010

TheKentucky Fried Movie A Movie A Day Post 1

Ok, we started this morning with The Kentucky Fried Movie from 1977. This feels like a movie that I would have seen with my friend Art, but I think he was in Korea at the time so it was probably something that Dee and I saw together. She looked out of the corner of her eye this morning as I watched, and she read. She said that she didn't remember this movie as being this crude, but that is all I remembered about it. One of the reasons I thought I saw this with Art is that we both used to make fun of other movies or people by pointing out that they reminded us of one of the fake trailers in this movie "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble". Mary Ann I'm not sure I would recommend this to you or anyone in the family (except Rick). This film is definitely nasty but also very funny. It is the first film from the Abrams, Zucker and Zucker team that later created Airplaine and the Naked Gun Movies.

There is no story, it is just random vignettes designed to provoke laughter. The longest segment is a parody of Enter the Dragon, that runs about 20 minutes. If you have seen the Bruce Lee film, you will find this hysterical, if not, it will only confuse you but you will still laugh. There is a segment filmed at the Rialto theater in South Pasadena, and I know I sat in the seat that the protagonist was in when I saw "The English Patient". Also, the summer of 1977 contained a lot of Rocky Horror Picture Show screenings at midnight, so the theater looked exactly the same in Kentucky Fried Movie as it did when we saw Rocky Horror (just less rice and toast).

John Landis was the director for this film and there were many trademark references in the movie. I probably should not admit that some of the segments reminded me of stupid jokes that I still make. I cracked up at the line "He's leading the witness!" The visual just takes the point and treats it literally. This movie was like "Saturday Night Live" only it was done without the restrictions imposed by a TV network. Nudity, language, racism, commercial parodies, and the time period make the film very evocative of the era.

There were a series of movies done in this style over the years, including "Tunnelvision", "The Groove Tube" and "Amazon Women on the Moon". You don't see this anymore and that is probably because cable programming took over this genre of entertainment. I got a good vibe from most of the movie, sometimes the timing is off or the commercials that are being made fun of will be obscure for a modern audience. I thought some of the sex jokes were a little over the top, while others were sexy and a little close to home, "Turn on the News." Don't think about whether any of it make sense, just look at it as a time capsule from a very weird time in America.

A Movie A Day Summer Project

I am a little frustrated that the summer school session at Fullerton starts in late June, the same week Dolores gets done with school. I basically have three weeks to myself and can't do much except around the house, Not that I would do much anyway, but having to do it alone is annoying, I've decided on an ambitious writing media project. Since it is summer time and I have a huge nostalgia for the years I grew up in movie theaters, I decided I would launch this Summer blog. I'm going to try to watch one movie a day from the summers of the 1970's. Some of those films my family took me to, but the real reason that I loved this time was that I made most of the choice, I saw films with my friends, girlfriend and by myself. Many of the movies were terrible, (ORCA) but they evoke a mood, time or place. Memory is something that I expect I will someday long for and I better help myself a bit along the way. I went thru the IMBD and pulled films that opened between May and August in the years 10970 -1979. My memory was already a little fuzzy because there were a number of movies that I thought were summer films that actually opened in March or April., To be honest, I may have seen them in the summer since in those days a film could stay in theaters for several months, instead of having to be off the screen in two weeks to get ready for the video release. I picked films that I actually saw with maybe two or three exceptions. The films I did not see were movies that slipped by, but could easily have filled a summer night for me because of my interest in the juvenile, political or sentimental. My kids will tell you I am a soft-hearted marshmallow but I also had a cynical streak. To the best of my ability I will try to recall the circumstances, personalities and reactions I had to these movies. Most of these comments will not be full blown reviews but rather quick insights into a time and personality. I see that this seems very narcissistic, so if you are not interested, don't read, but I hope you might find some of the memories insightful or that they stimulate you to remember trivia that you are glad is a part of your own life. I have no particular strategy for the order in which I will watch the films. They could be from 1971 one day and 1978 the next. To the Left you will find a list of the films I will try to get to. I started out having access to some format of the film in 42 of the 135 movies listed. I have started acquiring more along the way and that will be part of the story as well. If you come across this and have a suggestion or want me to do a particular film, let me know. I will say however that July 4 is reserved for JAWS. It has been a long tradition at the house and I intend to keep it.