1975 Throwback Thursdays


Wild, Rock Opera from the Who.

At your own risk. 

Best Picture Winner for 1975, still only the second best film 75 film.

We are back with Charles Bronson.

Mostly links to various Jaws Posts.

Brooks inspired comedy from Wilder.

Burt Reynolds ruled the 70s. 

A forgotten Gem of the gritty NY 70s.

Maybe Pacino's finest hour.

Finally Catching Up with a classic Australian Film.

Not as funny as it should be. 

Westworld without leaving home.

Dystopia with a Dog. The only way to go.

Exploitation 1975 Style

When Woody was just trying to be funny

Paul Newman without Strother, a rarity in the 70s.

Peter Sellars farces for two hours and we get to laugh.

Spy paranoia from the 1970s. That's about right.

Baby Nick Nolte and Baby Don Johnson, go on a road trip, with stops at drive ins. 

We cheat for a week, 1983, Jedi turns 40. 

I finally catch up with the other Jack Nicolson film from 1975.

A Joe Don Baker film I saw for the first time for this project. 

An often overlooked gem, that has some personal significance. 

In the not too distant future. 

All the ladies love Warren Beatty.

Gene Hackman continues to be amazing.

Robert Shaw's other 1975 Movie.

A Disaster movie or a movie disaster? You Decide.

Simply great!

It's just a jump to the left.

Missed opportunities. Oh well. 

Gentle Comedy rather than last year's horror film. 

An odd romantic film that most people don't remember.

The Duke kicks Britain's ass.

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