Strother Martin Film Project

Friday, May 29, 2020

10 Years of Special Moments on KAMAD

While the primary focus on Kirkham A Movie A Day [KAMAD] has been on movie reviews or retrospectives, there have been a lot of Special Events that I have reported on or championed myself. This Blog acts as a diary of moments in my life that are not necessarily just about a movie. Living in Southern California has given me plenty of opportunities to attend movie related activities or participate in pop culture in some way. Since I am a little older than most of the people in my on-line cinema community, I get to pontificate like a cranky old guy about a number of things as well. What follows are a few events over the last ten years where maybe the movie was not the most important thing to be paying attention to. 

Supporting My Cinema Community

The same year I started blogging about movies, I found another movie fan who often did what I was doing. Eric Friedman has a site where he reviews the films in his collection and he has been doing it alphabetically. Eric also adds personal history and perspective to his reviews. He took his on-line project, and turned it into a Book. 

I was proud to write a review for my friend, his book is very entertaining and insightful about growing up as a film fan. He is working on a sequel and I can't wait to read it as well. 

A Special Evening to Pay Tribute to an Actor that We Lost

Usually, any excuse to see "Robocop" on the Big Screen would be a joy. This particular evening event was great but it was for a sad occasion, the passing of actor Miguel Ferrer. 

Dr. Peter Weller is tired of doing these kinds of events but for his friend, he made the effort and we were all better for it. 

A Visit to the Museum

I have had the opportunity to see exhibits that are movie related at a number of museums over the years. This was a special day because my wife was not a Kubrick fan, but she loved the exhibit anyway.

Stanley Kubrick was an amazing director and kept meticulous notes. I would have been happy to browse through them for the whole day, but there was a lot to see. 

Soon the Motion Picture Academy will debut it's new museum, but I had a chance to go through the previous exhibit halls they used for a visit backstage in the costume department. 

I can hardly wait to get in line at the new venue.

This one is in London, not in L.A.

A Cranky Old Guy Complains

Sitting at home one day, enjoying an artifact on a video that I own, I was inspired to talk about a few changes th the theatrical experience of movie going.

This post is due for an update. Social Media, Pre-sold tickets and concession stand offerings suggest there is more to bitch about. 

Southern California Movie Palaces

Obviously the movie is an important part of going out, but it may not be the most important part. Visiting Downtown Los Angeles has given me a chance to see some of the great movie palaces that thrived her a century ago, and died here fifty years later. Fortunately, there are people out ther trying to keep them alive.

The Million Dollar Theater

We went to a screening of John Carpenter's "The Thing" at this venue, but also spent some time across the street at a location film fans will recognize and love.

The Theater at the Ace Hotel [The United Artists Theater]

My most recent visit to the Ace Hotel was for the final podcast of "The West Wing Weekly" . Before that however, we went to a Christmas party with our friends from the Nakatomi Company here.

The Orpheum Theater

This was a great visit to a theater to see the great movie that this site pays tribute too as much as possible.

Meeting Heroes In Person

Physical Media on A Personal Level

A Special Family Memory Prompted a lookback at a Laserdisc

I Love Physical Media and I Say Why.

A Long term Possession gets the right Treatment

My Attempt at a Movie Wall Begins

I Continue to Love My Laserdiscs

Something Different

My current hometown is the location of the Art Clokey production facilities, they made Gumby and a lot of other things. When you see the guest list, your mouths will drop open. 


  1. Fun stuff my friend. I think those are the special life flourishes that make what we do so much fun. I have a few of those unforgettable experiences and love reading others share theirs. I pretty jealous of some of yours. :)

  2. My site has never been strictly movie reviews, it's about my movie life with reviews thrown in. I've had some great memories of a life filled with movies, and now I'll be able to remember them myself 😂. Thanks for continuing to visit.
